engadget: EnergyHub’s energy management system on sale now to American planetlovers

EnergyHub’s energy management system on sale now to American planetlovers

By Darren Murph posted Aug 31st 2011 6:54PM

Those Smart Meters may not have went over so well in San Francisco, and Google may have shuttered PowerMeter just a few months ago… but that doesn’t mean that Ma Earth is doomed to live a life a few centigrade higher than she should, right? EnergyHub has just announced that its snazzily designed energy monitoring system is now on sale for eco-minded folk in the USA, with $399 netting you a home base, a socket, a strip and a wireless thermostat (simpler bundles start at $299). 

According to the company, this kit’s ready to take on shacks, apartments or even houseboats, though no seal of approval from the Old Spice guy has been garnered in the case of the latter. Previously, this here package was only available through utility-sponsored programs, but now the simpleton in your life can see live energy use information, automatically switch appliances off while one’s away and sleeping, and even control settings remotely via the web or an iPhone / Android app. Head on past the break for an introductory video, or visit the source links to get in on the buying frenzy.

See the full post: http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/31/energyhubs-energy-management-system-on-sale-now-to-american-pla/

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