EnergyHub to manage province-wide Peak Perks program for Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator
Residential demand response program will enhance grid reliability and accelerate decarbonization
(New York) September 5, 2023 – EnergyHub, a leading provider of grid-edge flexibility programs throughout North America, has partnered with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), Ontario’s grid operator, to introduce the Save on Energy Peak PerksTM program, a new Bring Your Own Thermostat® (BYOT) residential demand response (RDR) program. Launched this summer, the Peak Perks program is a key part of the Ontario government’s $342 million expansion of energy-efficiency programs designed to support grid reliability. It’s the latest in a suite of conservation and demand management programs delivered by the IESO through its Save on Energy brand to Ontario business and residential electricity customers.
Peak Perks enables the IESO to partner with residential electricity customers to reduce peak electrical load. The grid operator is using EnergyHub’s distributed energy resource management system (DERMS) to manage the BYOT program, including program enrollment and flexible dispatch. The program is targeted to enroll more than 130,000 customers by July 2024.
“The Save on Energy Peak Perks program is a great example of what’s possible when electricity providers and their customers work together to deliver a more reliable grid,” said Erika Diamond, Senior Vice President of Customer Solutions at EnergyHub. “We’re looking forward to bringing expertise gained through collaboration with over 60 utility clients in the U.S. to our first province-wide program in Canada.”
The Peak Perks program provides an easy way for residential customers to be financially rewarded for supporting the grid during peak summer months. Customers who are willing to conserve energy and reduce their air conditioning at peak times and have an eligible smart thermostat connected to a central air conditioning system or heat pump unit will receive $75 virtual prepaid Mastercard® for enrolling this year, as well as a $20 virtual prepaid Mastercard® for each year they stay enrolled in the program. Participants who enroll will be notified when one of the maximum 10 annual temperature change events occurs. Peak Perks has been designed to ensure participants are always in control, and customers can opt out of any temperature change event without impacting their incentive.
“Peak Perks is a key component of Ontario’s commitment to delivering a reliable, affordable, and sustainable grid,” said Tam Wagner, Director of Demand Side Management at the IESO. “We are confident this scalable, customer-first program will support our commitment to accelerate decarbonization and energy efficiency.”
The IESO is forecasting electricity demand in Ontario will grow by at least 40 percent over the next 20 years. To support growth, reducing electricity demand through energy efficiency is an essential resource. It focuses on cost-effectively meeting the needs of electricity systems through peak demand reductions and targeted approaches to address regional and local electricity system needs.
EnergyHub is an independent subsidiary of Alarm.com (NASDAQ: ALRM), the leading platform for the intelligently connected property.
About EnergyHub
EnergyHub is the leading grid-edge DERMS provider. Utilities rely on EnergyHub’s DERMS platform to manage all distributed energy resources to serve grid and market objectives. EnergyHub works with over 60 utilities in North America to manage more than 1.3 GW of flexible capacity. We empower utilities and their customers to create a clean, distributed energy future. For more information, visit www.energyhub.com.