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Interview: Tyler Rogers, Sales Executive

Laura Kier

January 13, 2016

As Sales Executive, Tyler Rogers spends his time on the road talking to utilities about EnergyHub’s energy management solutions for connected devices. We sat down with him to talk about his work at EnergyHub, utility challenges in the connected home space, and his recent move to Reno.

Tyler Rogers

Kat: Your title is Sales Executive. What do you actually do?

Tyler: My job is really the combination of three things: crusader, student, and consultant. It is my great pleasure to travel around the United States beating the EnergyHub drum and telling all that will listen about the value we can bring to a connected device program. Another great part of my job is the fact that I can be a student constantly learning from the utilities I meet with, which is personally very rewarding. Lastly, I take great joy in serving as a consultant, helping solve problems and, in the best cases, helping utilities solve a problem they did not know they even had.


Kat: You joined EnergyHub in April 2015. What did you do before that?

TylerBefore my days at EnergyHub, I had the pleasure to work at Opower, where I learned about utility DSM programs, behavioral science, and customer engagement. Before that, I had a great time working at Booz Allen Hamilton, helping federal agencies adopt more sustainable business practices.

Kat: What made you decide to work in energy?

TylerMy dad taught me a lesson when I was in Boy Scouts growing up that set my professional trajectory: “Always leave the campsite better than you found it.” It is my belief that our energy use has an impact on our environment and it has been my objective to make sure I leave this world having helped advance the use of energy more efficiently and in the cleanest manner possible.

Kat: What’s the biggest challenge utilities face in the connected home space?

TylerUtilities face two challenges: new competitors and distraction. Customers are now expecting more sophistication in their energy control and looking for service providers to offer new services. Utilities are now competing with cable companies, software giants, and hardware manufacturers to meet consumer demand. The good news for utilities is customers want to turn to them first to provide energy control services. As utilities look to create new offerings or services, there is a challenge in front of them to not lose sight of the need to do the basics very well, like delivering reliable power and being an energy advisor (albeit a more sophisticated advisor).

Kat: How can they address these challenges, and how does your work help them do so?

TylerThat’s a simple one: pick-up the phone and give me a call! EnergyHub’s product is intended to provide utilities with maximum flexibility in designing a connected home solution leveraging multiple types of hardware. From demand response to energy efficiency to home automation, we really are the connected home solution specific to the needs of utilities.

For example, Bring Your Own Thermostat® demand response programs are a great way for utilities to take advantage of devices their customers are already using as demand response assets. Instead of competing with connected home service providers, utilities have an opportunity to co-own the customer relationship in a way that generates value for everyone and improves customer relationships.

man woman and dog on a snowy place

KatEarlier this year, you relocated from the Washington, D.C. area to Reno, Nevada. Why the change, and why Reno?

TylerReno is home for me, so after a few years on the East Coast I decided to finally answer the call of the Sierra Nevada and return back to a part of the world that is deeply ingrained in me. Little known fact: Nevada is the most mountainous state in the contiguous United States. As a person who loves the outdoors, Nevada and nearby Tahoe are a great places to have in your backyard. Lastly, have you seen this winter’s snow totals?

Kat: What are you doing when you’re not working?

TylerAs of late my free time has involved introducing my wife (a native Marylander) to the West, making soup to keep warm this winter, and training my labradoodle to walk in the snow with booties so he can join us on snowshoe trips.

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