EnergyHub Team
March 28, 2017
The 35th PLMA Conference in Nashville is a week away, and we’re excited to once again be featured on a great agenda full of industry thought leaders.
EnergyHub Director of Utility Sales Tyler Rogers will be presenting with Bruce Brazis, account executive at Arizona Public Service, at 8:30 a.m Wednesday April 5th on how the utility is leveraging the BYOT model in its energy efficiency program.
APS, an EnergyHub customer, is not only using the BYOT model to achieve residential energy efficiency goals, but the program is also a way for APS to seed the market for a possible BYOT demand response program in the future.
Bruce will also share how BYOT is just the start of APS’ longer-term vision for managing distributed energy resources.
The PLMA agenda features several other EnergyHub clients doing excellent work, so let’s take a look at a few other presentations we’re excited to attend.
Cost and Value Analysis of Distribution System Modernization
Date: Tuesday, April 4
Time: 11 a.m.
The grid as we know it is changing. The growth of customer-sited DERs means the Department of Energy and private sector businesses need to determine the new cost of standard operations and the value of new solutions.
This panel, moderated by Joseph Childs of Eaton, includes Wayne Callender of EnergyHub customer CPS Energy, Michael Brown of Berkshire Hathaway & NV Energy; Allison Hamilton of National Rural Electric Cooperative Association; and Heather Manypenny of New Hampshire Electric Cooperative.
Non-Wires Alternatives: Straight Outta Nashville
Date: Tuesday, April 4
Time: 2 p.m.
This creatively structured session features three separate topics on non-wires alternatives. The first of which will be presented by Mark Martinez, Manager of Emerging Markets and Technology, at EnergyHub customer Southern California Edison.
Mark is leading the utility’s Emerging Markets & Technology (EM&T) Program, which is taking on the challenge of identifying “plug and play” enabling technologies that function as grid resources through interoperability standards to “shape, shift, shed and shimmy.”
Arizona DEReaming: APS’ Early Efforts and Lessons Around Distributed Energy Resources
Date: Wednesday, April 5
Time: 10:30 a.m.
The explosive growth of grid-edge DERs is happening around the world, and Tom Hines of Arizona Public Service is seeing that firsthand in his utility’s service area.
In this session, Tom will go over APS’s innovative efforts to manage the proliferation of rooftop solar in Arizona, including BYOT EE and DR, demand rate studies, rooftop solar studies and storage pilots.
We’ll be live-tweeting these sessions and more from the EnergyHub account, so feel free to reach out if you’re at the conference and want to chat in person! And if you can’t make it to Nashville, use the hashtag #35thPLMADR to keep up with all the great talks.
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