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EnergyHub EV

EnergyHub EV delivers future-proofed managed charging that puts drivers first. Reshape EV charging load, protect distribution assets, and proactively address load growth with scalable active and passive managed charging solutions.

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EnergyHub EV delivers value for drivers, utilities, and manufacturers

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Deliver programs at scale
Launch and scale seamlessly with EnergyHub’s turnkey solutions and proven experience managing over 1.2M DERs.
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Realize full-grid value
Leverage EVs as a flexibility resource delivering on generation, cost optimization, and distribution capacity.
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Plan for future load growth
Predict and manage load at the local level. Use advanced analytics to make decisions around distribution-level assets.
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Powered by the EnergyHub platform

The EnergyHub EV solution is built on our Edge DERMS platform. The EnergyHub platform integrates with multiple distributed energy resource (DER) device classes to maximize grid value, including EV OEMs, EVSEs, EV aggregators, thermostats, storage, and more. It also delivers the enrollment infrastructure, data, and analytics necessary to generate insights and immediate value for utilities.

Engage Drivers
Data and Reporting
Maximize driver eligibility through direct integrations with the largest ecosystem of EVSE and EV telematics partners.
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Engage Drivers
Boost enrollment and retention with multi-channel campaigns and manufacturer partnerships.
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Data and Reporting
Leverage near real-time insights to make data-driven decisions that increase overall performance and improve grid reliability.
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Managed Charging

Built on the EnergyHub DERMS platform, the Managed Charging component of EnergyHub EV enables utilities to operationalize various configurations of EV grid services to support grid needs (i.e. match renewables, shift off-peak, protect distribution networks) while ensuring the driver’s car is adequately charged.

Deliver Grid Value
Deliver Grid Value
EnergyHub EV provides managed charging to deliver peak load reduction, daily load shifting, and distribution capacity for the grid. In addition, it is paving the way for vehicle-to-grid connectivity.
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EnergyHub's ChargingRewards customer-facing app streamlines enrollment and gathers charging preferences, putting the vehicle owner firmly in the driver's seat.
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Turn-key services for EnergyHub EV

EnergyHub EV offers a suite of services alongside its software products that make program operation seamless for utility partners.

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Program management

Your dedicated client success manager will guide program launch, provide strategy recommendations to increase program performance, and offer personalized training sessions.

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Customer support

Ensure a high quality customer experience for all customers through a dedicated, program specific support team.

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Program marketing

Our program marketing support is grounded in years of experience specifically within grid-edge program delivery, ensuring dependable performance and high customer engagement.

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Market and data analysis

Drive program design and meet regulatory and business objectives more efficiently.

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Partner management

Integrate and manage connected devices across all DER manufacturers to ensure optimal program performance.


Client Testimonial


“SRP has a bold sustainability vision that includes enabling and managing 500,000 EVs on our system by 2035. To do this we need a customer centric program approach, better visibility into how customers charge, and asset-aware charging control that reduces peak-load and aligns charging to our resources. EnergyHub’s EV solution and vision aligns perfectly to the outcomes we seek.”

Eamonn Urey

SRP Program Manager

Electric Vehicle Resources
White paper: From obstacle to opportunity – How managed charging can mitigate the distribution impacts of EV charging
White paper: From obstacle to opportunity – How managed charging can mitigate the distribution impacts of EV charging DOWNLOAD THE RESOURCE
White paper: Accelerating Electric Vehicle Management – 8 Key Strategies for a Successful EV Program
White paper: Accelerating Electric Vehicle Management – 8 Key Strategies for a Successful EV Program DOWNLOAD THE RESOURCE
Fact sheet: EnergyHub EV