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White paper: The future of flexibility — Unlocking the full value of VPPs for a changing grid


To address the grid’s evolving needs, the U.S. Department of Energy recently set a target of 160 GW of new VPP capacity by 2030. However, scaling VPP resources to this size will require a new understanding of how VPPs can provide value beyond traditional demand response to solve emerging challenges like load growth, distribution grid congestion, volatile energy prices, and more.

This white paper explores VPPs’ unique value proposition, addresses long-standing misconceptions regarding their use, and suggests a path forward for utilities to successfully scale cross-DER VPPs and deliver a reliable, resilient, and flexible grid.

Download the white paper to learn:

  • How VPPs differ from traditional power plants
  • The benefits VPPs provide utilities at the bulk and distribution grid levels
  • What successful real-world VPPs look like
  • How modernizing regulation can support VPP capacity growth
  • The future of VPPs and the role of predictive analytics

Download the resource

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